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Patient Blogs:


Breaking the Stigma: How to Talk About Mental Health Openly

Episode 7: Entertainment with Purpose – Social Impact Storytelling with June Neely

Breaking Free from Black-and-White Thinking

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Understanding Levels of Care

Understanding Your Insurance Plan: A Quick Guide

Episode 6: The Power of Being Seen – Exploring Identity and Connection with Ronald Mah

Do you find yourself losing your patience more than usual? Are you constantly worrying about something you said or worrying about how something you say may be perceived by others? Is it becoming overwhelming to start a task? Is overthinking impacting your ability to engage with others socially?

A lot of us experience some form of anxiety in our lives. When we’re young, one of those first places it may present is at school. Speaking in front of the class, turning in assignments, starting a big project, or figuring out who to sit with at lunch. As we develop into adults, that anxiety can surface in our relationships with friends, coworkers, and partners. We may notice it as it relates to our performance at school or at work. Anxiety may also prevent us from speaking up because of our fear about how others may judge us.

How do I know if I should come to therapy to treat my anxiety?

If your anxiety is impairing your ability to function in certain areas of your life, it may be time for therapy. Symptoms of anxiety include irritability, muscle tension, difficulty focusing, excessive worry, nervousness, shortness of breath, sweating, and more. It can look like someone engaging in playful conversation at work and then going home and replaying what was said and ruminating what others think. The worry starts to turn into self-doubt about work performance, the ability to be liked, even self-worth. Anxiety can stop us in our tracks and manifest into a multitude of physical symptoms that shake us to our core.

The good news is that Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are all examples of mental health diagnoses that can be helped with therapy.

It’s also important to acknowledge that just reading about anxiety is a great first step toward getting support. It’s a lot. It can be scary to take that first step. So take it slow. That’s okay. Reading this may be enough for today. Maybe tomorrow you can give us a call or send an email to get started with therapy. If you’re unable to tomorrow, that’s okay too. We’re here when you’re ready.

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Lauren Pena
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