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So, who is Daisy Rivera, the therapist?

I was born in El Salvador and immigrated to the U.S. at the age of 11. I grew up in Los Angeles, raised by my maternal grandmother. I have a bachelor’s in biology from Cal State University, Northridge. I was pre-med and thought I would become a doctor. However, working as a teacher’s assistance throughout my college years, in the middle school I had attended, made me realize how much I deeply loved being in the classroom. By the time I graduated college, that middle school had become a K-12 learning center and I joined the science high school staff, teaching primarily 9th grade environmental science. It was teaching those kids, conversations with their parents, and beginning to be more self-reflective and attuned, that nudged me to leave teaching and return to school for a master’s in social work.

I obtained my MSW from USC in 2004, with a mental health concentration and a geriatrics sub-concentration. I worked for 2 years in community mental health with a wide age group of clients, from school age children to older adults. I then transitioned to healthcare, and worked at City of Hope, a cancer center, for 14 years, leading various roles in addition to direct patient care, including facilitating support groups, co-founding a Spanish-speaking patient advisory council, and program development and research for geriatric patients. I also had the opportunity to present at various national organizations and conferences (APOS, AOSW, ICEC, NICHE, AAHPCC) on topics related to social work leadership, cultural sensitivity for Spanish-speaking patients, and geriatric oncology care.

In conjunction with my clinical development, I have also trained in different modalities of yoga, meditation, sound and Reiki energy healing.  These holistic practices have influenced my clinical practice and my own healing journey.

I joined Soultenders in September of 2020 and it has been a rewarding experience. I am now certified in EMDR and a Consultant in Training, and it has been one of the best decisions I have made in my career! Being supported in my private practice grants me the gift to have ownership of my time and prioritize my family and endeavors important to me.

What drives me professionally?

Unquestionably, it is goodwill. One of my favorite quotes is by Ram Dass, “We’re all just walking each other home”. It reminds me that while I don’t have control over the outcome of someone else’s journey, I can offer my goodwill, compassionate presence and the tools I know as I walk with them.

My Core Values

I value

  1. Family
  2. Kindness
  3. Humility
  4. Connection
  5. Faith

Daisy is a licensed clinical social worker that provides trauma-informed and EMDR treatment to adult clients both in English and Spanish. She finds it meaningful to work with clients seeking therapy to heal from developmental trauma. Daisy approaches therapy from a humanistic and holistic lens and incorporates mind/body approaches that include mindfulness and somatic interventions.

Visit Daisy’s online profile to learn more about her

How to Get in the Soultenders Provider Spotlight

You can nominate a provider for the Spotlight of the Month by simply sending their information to and including a comment indicating your nomination. Your nomination is appreciated.