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Come, as you are.

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Crystal Lopez

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” — Aristotle

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Helping you heal and gain agency over your life.

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Awareness will allow you to make choices

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"The more you know of your history, the more liberated you are. " -Maya Angelou

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People seek therapy for a variety of reasons. It is common to experience emotional pain, distress, or uncertainty at some point in your life.

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"The true awakening takes place within."

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Ray Hwang


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference - Robert Frost

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"Like the lotus flower that is born out of mud, we must honor the darkest parts of ourselves and the most painful of our life's experiences, because they are what allo...

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“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
Carl Jung

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